Saffron Extract Select Review: Does It Really Work? W e all keep hoping to find one of those magical weight reduction supplements that will help us reach our goals, but we also wonder just how reliable all those Saffron Extract Select Review s really are. Well, I decided to give Saffron Extract Select weight reduction supplement a try after hearing about it from Dr. Oz. I figured that if a doctor was willing to have his title backing a product, it might actually provide some benefits. Saffron Extract Select is an all natural weight reduction supplement that helps the body increase serotonin levels. Serotonin levels play a key role in both our overall mood, and our urge for food levels, so it is thought that when these levels are higher, we can avoid overeating or snacking on foods that are loaded with sugar. Plus, when these levels are higher it is thought to help us feel fuller much longer than usual. I did some research on these ideas, and I found that there are actually many studies that have proven this. T here were also studies performed using Saffron Extract Select that found that snacking was decreased by up to 55%, hunger between meals was lessened by 84%, and cravings for sugary foods was cut by 78%. Based on all of the information, I decided there was really no reason not to buy Saffron Extract Select urge for food suppressant – it’s all natural and has legitimate studies backing it up. I was impressed with how quickly I received my Saffron Extract Select weight reduction product after I positioned my order, because I figured it would take much longer. I started taking Saffron Extract Select the day after I received it, and at first I didn’t really notice much of a difference . I am not one to give up that easily, so I continued taking the supplement. I did not notice any aspect effects while taking the Saffron Extract Select pills, at minimum not any that I was not happy to experience! Within a week, I noticed a huge difference in my urge for food level, and I was able to go from having 3 or 4 snacks a day down to maybe one if I skipped breakfast. I also noticed I was sleeping better at evening (another byproduct of increased serotonin levels), and I could actually make it through the day without feeling like my stomach was eating by itself from hunger! My urge for food was so drastically changed that I truly could not believe the difference! I was a huge eater, with an extremely healthy urge for food – hence me looking for something to help me lose weight. The Saffron Extract Select really helped me cut down drastically on the amount of food I eat a day. I have always been an emotional and boredom eater. I love my sugary snacks and chips, and I spend a lot of time on a computer, so I have plenty of time for snacking. After starting the Saffron Extract Select weight reduction supplement, I no longer have the desire to eat something when I am bored or upset. I actually have enough energy that I feel like getting off my butt and actually moving – I could not believe it! I was actually enjoying exercise! I’m sure you are wondering does Saffron Extract Select work? In my humble opinion, Absolutely!! I lost 5 pounds in the first week that I took Saffron Extract Select, and I know this is due to how much less my urge for food was. By the end of week 4, I had only lost 15 pounds, which was kind of a letdown after losing 5 pounds in the first week. Since I actually had energy, I decided to actually start getting some exercise to see i